Egrets are a species of herons, most Egrets have white plumage and develop long ornamental nuptial plumes on their back for breeding season. They can be seen wading in shallow coastal waters, build untidy nests in trees, bushes or on the ground. Their habits are generally like those of other herons, but some perform elaborate mating rituals involving the plumes. The name egret is derived from aigrette which is the name of the mating plumage. These plums are highly prized as ornaments in Oriental ceremonial dress and were formerly used in the Western millinery trade. The high price paid for the plumes, along with the vulnerability of the birds, who nest in large colonies, resulted in near extinction of egrets because of unscrupulous hunters. Strict conservation measures have since allowed their numbers to increase.
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Painting of Dark Morphed Reddish Egret. They are colorful characters, both fishing style and physically. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can...
Snowy Egrets are beautiful Birds that seem conscious of their own beauty and likes to show off their charms. The head feathers of Snowy Egrets are highlighted...
Painting of a White Morphed Reddish Egret. Long-legged, long-necked wader, more tied to salt water than any of the other herons or egrets. They draw...
Dark Morphed Reddish Egrets are colorful characters, both fishing style and physical form. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can have Dark Morphed...
Snowy Egrets are some of the most charming of the shorebirds. From their golden slipper to the iridescent crest raised defending its territory. They come in...
Painting of a Great Egret and her young showing joy for each other. They sometimes nests in isolated pairs, usually in colonies, often mixed with other...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Painting of one of the most charming of shorebirds, the Snowy Egret. They are beautiful birds that seem conscious of their own beauty and like...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of the most charming of all shore birds, Snowy Egret. Snowy Egrets are beautiful Birds that seem conscious of their own beauty and...
Dark Morphed Reddish Egrets are colorful characters, both fishing style and physically. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can have DarkMorphed and White Morphed. ...
They sometimes nests in isolated pairs, usually in colonies, often mixed with other wading birds. In mixed colonies, Great Egrets tend to nest high. Usually in trees 10' to...
Reclusive, charming little Shorebird. They build their nest in dense tree with other birds nesting. All of their nesting colony watch out for each other. I’ve been fortunate to...
Original Oil Painting of a Great Egret standing in the Narrows. The majestic Great Egret gets more dressed up during mating season. A patch of skin on...
Snowy Egrets are some of the most charming of the shorebirds. From their golden slipper to the iridescent crest raised defending its territory. They come in...
Original Oil Painting of the most charming of all shore birds, Snowy Egret. Snowy Egrets are beautiful Shorebirds that seem conscious of their own beauty...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Acrylic Painting of a charming wader of quiet waters, Snowy Egret. They are beautiful Birds that seem conscious of their own beauty and likes...
Original Oil Painting of a Great Egret standing in the Narrows. The majestic Great Egret gets more dressed up during mating season. A patch of skin on...
They are colorful characters, both fishing style and physically. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can have Dark Morphed and White Morphed,...
They are colorful characters, both fishing style and physically. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can have Dark Morphed and White Morphed,...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of one of the most charming of shore birds, the Snowy Egret They are beautiful birds that seem conscious of...
Original Oil Painting of a White Morphed Reddish Egret. Long-legged, long-necked wader, more tied to salt water than any of the other herons or egrets. ...
Original Oil Painting of a White Morphed Reddish Egret. Long-legged, long-necked wader, more tied to salt water than any of the other herons or egrets. ...