Here are all the Wall Plaques designs of painting created by Barbara Fallenbaum. If there is an image you would like and it is not shown here reach out to the studio and we will create one for you.
Royal Terns mate for life. Sometimes this does not result with offspring, but they do not split up. However they still preform their mating routine ....
Gorgeous at a distance, bizarre up close. Immature is the stage between juvenile and adult. Their appearance is like a teenager’s. Head had just lost...
Great Blue Herons are the largest heron in North America. Often seen standing silently along inland rivers, lakeshores, and coastal waters. Spotted this one across...
Painting of Dark Morphed Reddish Egret. They are colorful characters, both fishing style and physically. They are typical of most egret appearance except you can...
American Oystercatcher are strictly a coastal shorebird. Downy young leave nest shortly after hatching. Both parents feed young for at least 2 months. During this...
Painting of a Roseate Spoonbill bending in the shape of a heart. Roseate Spoonbill lends itself to mythical characterization because of its colorization and...