Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of a Great Blue Heron hunting by moon light. Great Blue Herons are the largest heron in North America. Often...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of a Roseate Spoonbill in brackish water reflecting trees, bushes and Spoonbill. Roseate Spoonbills forage in the shallows of fresh,...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of a young Royal Tern being fed by one of its parents. Royal Terns are characterized by their large orange-red...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Acrylic Painting of a charming wader of quiet waters, Snowy Egret. They are beautiful Birds that seem conscious of their own beauty and likes...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of a colorful character, the TriColored Heron. A fairly small heron that wades through coastal waters, often running and stopping...
Barbara Fallenbaum's Original Oil Painting of a pair of American White Pelicans. One of the largest North American birds, with nine foot wing span. They are the...
Original Oil Painting of a White Morphed Reddish Egret. Long-legged, long-necked wader, more tied to salt water than any of the other herons or egrets. ...
Original Oil Painting of a White Morphed Reddish Egret. Long-legged, long-necked wader, more tied to salt water than any of the other herons or egrets. ...
Original Oil painting by Barbara Fallenbaum. Gorgeous at a distance and bizarrely beautiful up close. They breed during the winter in Florida, nesting in colonies. ...
Original Oil painting by Barbara Fallenbaum. They are born naked, helpless and blind. They are usually mature enough to survive and fly away at about...
Original Oil Painting of a Great Blue Heron showing its beauty. They are North America’s largest heron. Often seen standing silently along inland rivers, lakeshores,...
Original Oil Painting of a pair of Roseate Spoonbills during part of their mating ritual. In Courtship, male and female first interact aggressively with ritual...
Sandhill Cranes have an elegant tall, warm gray body with crimson cap. They are known for their dancing skills. Courting cranes stretch their wings, pump...